Module 6 »

Crucial Due-Diligence for Abandoned Houses

At this point you've learned nearly all you need to go out there and make bank with our abandoned houses strategies. Can you feel it? 😉

Just a few remaining (and important) loose ends to tie up before you're off to the races, and this module covers them. Essentially, this module's about helping to ensure you understand the essential research & analysis you need to always do before you get the deal. It's not rocket science, and it won't take much for you to get your head around it, I promise.

Here's what you're about to learn:

  • The 4 “levels” of due diligence for Abandoned Houses
  • The key things you want to get your head around for every abandoned house deal you do
  • The right timing for each due-diligence step

It's not rocket science here… but it is pretty darn important, so let's get to it…

Quick Pro Tip: A couple of times in this video we hop out of presentation mode and actually show you a couple of websites. So it might be a heck of a lot easier to see if you view this video in full-screen mode. Just use the little full-screen mode button in the lower-right of the video.

Watch: Due Diligence For Abandoned Houses

Amp Session: How to Protect Yourself From Shady or Unstable Sellers

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