In the REI game since Y2K, JP's deal-making adventures run the gamut from rehabs to rentals to realtoring to wholesaling—from REOs to lease options to seller financing to raw land. Many 100's of deals later, his active real estate game is played remotely today (from home) in various U.S. markets, and intentionally with the smallest team possible. The aim is high margins with the least possible time & effort. Less, but better.

One of Our Favorite Real Estate Investor Postcards

JP MosesHey guys, I've got something pretty sweet I want to share with you today: It's one of our favorite real estate investor postcards, and you can officially swipe-and-deploy in your own real estate investing operations any time you want.

So here's the deal…

As any capable, card-carrying real estate investor who's actively doing deals will tell you, the only fuel that keeps your real estate money machine cranking is quality leads coming in like clockwork.

For wholesalers like me, that means a steady stream of motivated sellers with properties they sorely need to sell, plus ravenous cash buyers, hungry to devour the deals we serve up on a silver platter. For fix-and-flippers, it's distressed property leads and retail buyers. And landlords of course need solid investment properties and quality tenants.

The list goes on… but regardless of your real estate flavor of choice, it's pretty clear-cut: leads are the lifeblood of your business, and one way or another it all seems to start with the distressed seller.

In our wholesaling business we actually have a number of channels actively generating distressed seller leads for us, including referrals, signs, and JV partners. But hands down, the lion's share of our wholesale deals come to us through our direct systematic direct mail marketing efforts.

Which brings us to this:

Today I want to share with you a real estate investor postcard I’ve been using lately with great success as part of an experimental shift in our motivated seller marketing. Below you can see a full screenshot of our new seller postcard front and back. But to really understand what's under the hood and why, I recorded a short video for you walking through the postcard, and explaining the ‘how' and ‘why' behind our intentional shifts…

  • From hype to unassuming in our message…
  • From ‘corporate' to ‘mom and pop' in our framing…
  • And ultimately from quantity to quality in the leads themselves.

Whether you agree or not with our little experiment here, I think you'll really find it interesting. And I'd really love to hear what you think about it with a quick comment below.

Feast Your Eyes: My favorite real estate investor postcard of all time (right now)…

Video Transcription:

Hey, what's up guys? JP here and today I want to drop a little resource on you.

It is the favorite postcard that I'm working with right now in our wholesaling business. It's the postcard that's been working well for us. We crafted this postcard specifically because we wanted to tweak our campaigns from generating a lot of leads that were very unqualified to generating fewer, better leads.

Now, let me give you a little background:

By the way, this image is just something fun to look at until I get to the real stuff. It's just a funny image that you've probably seen randomly on the internet. Interesting stools there that those nuns are sitting on.

Any who, prior to the postcard that I'm about to show you, we had been using a lot of letters. We have had great success with our letters.

Also in terms of other postcards we had been using, the very simple postcard that says and actually I'll pull it out here real quick. Just says basically: Hi, my name is James and I am writing you because I would like to buy your house at 1234 Sale Street. I can buy your house as is for a fair price and close on the day of your choice. You can reach me at and …”

We're getting a lot of calls, a lot of calls from that postcard, but we wanted to just qualify them a little bit better, have a little bit more on our postcard and see if we got a different type of results. Fewer, better leads is kind of our aim. So the postcard I'm about to show you does a little bit more in terms of the information that it shares.

And I just like it, you know, you may wonder why we have changed and why we're trying new things. That's a marketing practice that we believe in firmly; that is, constantly test and tweak what you do. You don't want to throw out a good campaign, but you should always be testing new things and seeing if it outperforms your tried and true.

So without further ado, let me show you this postcard…

Bam, that's right, it looks like a yellow letter does and it's kind of interesting, you know. Handwritten postcards are kind of the new thing lately. In fact there's whole courses centered around it from people that are friends of mine and I know, like, and respect. This postcard is based upon a template I got from one of the yellow letter vendors. I took their template and then kind of made it my own. I just basically edited it using their little online editor and, so I just want to take you through it now.

This is an actual proof of our postcard and this is one side of it. I'll show you the other side…

“Dear Terry Walls.” First of all, if you're not familiar with the, the yellow letter phenomenon, you know, for a long time in real estate investing arenas, people have had great success with yellow letters. Yellow letters aren't as effective as they used to be because so many people have been using them. But these postcards that look like handwritten yellow letters are kind of like the new yellow letter in a lot of markets. So, even though it looks like a legal pad size paper, turned on its side, this is a small postcard. Okay, I've just got it blown up giant for the video here.

So, first thing I love is this whole “houses wanted” on the left hand side. I just think that that really gets your attention in a very simple way. It immediately tells you what this is about.

“Dear Terry Wallace, my name is James.” By the way, James is my partner with The House Guys. So just so you know why it says that, he's the one who handles talking to sellers.

“My name is James and I'm interested in buying your house at”, and I blocked out the address “Polk Street. I'm looking for two to three houses in your area in the next few weeks. So if you're interested in selling, please call me at…. You'll see there's a local number here.

“You will not have to make any repairs or pay any realtor fees or closing costs. I can buy your property as is, for a fair price, pay all cash and close on the date of your choice. I just make it fair and easy for everyone. So if you need to sell, you can reach me at…”.

And by the way I realized there's a “m” in “me” left off here. So please, uh, grammar nazis, don't crucify me for that. Just a little mistake, but you know, I think people will be able to understand what it is, what it means.

“…you can reach me at, and the repeat the local number again and I'll be happy to talk with you if I'm out please leave a message and I'll call you shortly. Respectfully, James Alston.”

Again, there's our number underlined and then the three bullet points, no commissions, no costs, as is. Now, this is not a flashy hypey postcard. I find that I don't do as well when I use things that feel like hype to me. A lot of very successful marketers disagree with me, but personally I like something that has a very average joe, folksy feel. I want it to seem like it was written by a real person, so I very carefully reworded and crafted every piece of this to seem like it was.

I mean, I am a real person, so I did really write it, but I want it to seem like somebody literally, without putting too much thought into it, just wrote it out.

And you know, one of the things you'll notice is there's not a single exclamation point anywhere on this. My philosophy is more and more now, exclamation points are spears. They stab at you when you see them in marketing messages. I much prefer to end in periods or even question marks. I don't have any questions on this, but question marks are great. They draw you in and cause your mind to your subconscious mind to start trying to answer them. So remember that exclamation points are spheres, question marks are hooks that draw you in. Periods are just, I guess, neutral, but still a good thing to use.

I liked the little hand doodle of the little sold sign. I think that's kinda cute. And it's not too much, this is a simple, straightforward message on the postcard, but it's more than the message on the previous postcard. I also, I don't like that some of the messages on some of the yellow letters say, I want to buy your house. This says I am interested in buying your house, but it doesn't come out and make it seem like, hey, I just know I want to buy it. Like if you'll sell me your house, I'll buy it. That's the way some of the marketing comes across to me now that I see a lot of investors using.

And this one in no uncertain terms uses their address and highlights, “I'm interested in buying” and I don't know, that just has a little different vibe to me. It's not quite so hit me in the face with this, I want to buy your house. It just, it feels better and it's pretty clear that I'm looking for several houses in the next few weeks and then kind of puts the ball in their court in a very respectful way.

“If you're interested in selling, please call me.” So I like that. I just ending it: “respectfully, James”.

Also, I just feel like this has good vibes, this postcard. You'll notice the local number. I've already mentioned that, but just for what it's worth, I know I'll get this question. Currently, our local number goes through Vumber. We use Vumber for all of our local numbers, but we have it forwarded to a live answer, so we have somebody live answering those calls for us and inputting the information into Podio and then it shows up as a new seller lead in Podio account.

Now this is the one side of the postcard. Let me show you the other side. There it is. You'll see it's the exact same text. There's really nothing different about it at all except it's missing the little sold sign because that's where the stamp is going to go. First Class stamp, by the way. And there's this space for whoever is being mailed to, obviously here. So same message on the front and back. Okay.

In terms of where I am in deploying these postcards from, this is from And there's a link on the page here to take you directly to the postcard. It should lead you directly to the postcard.

Actually, if you scroll down, you'll see there's a section for yellow letters postcards. Go into that section and if you want to kind of use the same starting point as we did, I chose rather yellow postcard, the number four small postcard. And then once I click on that, it will open up and I can edit that postcard and decide what I want to put on it.

So, if you'd like to model my postcard, I would open up number four and then you can just use this image as your guide and of course. Feel free to test it and tweak it on your own. Try a different message, if this one doesn't quite represent you the way that you want to. But I will say there's a lot of ninjary, if that is a word, that's embedded in this postcard.

So, I think it's pretty swift. I'm pretty happy with it myself, and happy to pass it along, guys. Patrick and I love sharing with you what's going on in real time in our businesses. You are our insiders, that is your privilege. You get to know what's going on and you get to benefit from it and test it out yourself if you want to, whether it's a form or a checklist or a contract or a marketing piece or whatever it is.

So, there you go. Thanks guys for tuning in. JP out.


The cost varies depending upon how many mail pieces you order. We ordered 4,944 of these postcards at $2,470, which includes the printing and the mailing with first-class postage, and that comes out to about .50 cents per piece. Totally worth it! This was, of course, a large-volume mailing, so the price per piece varies depending upon the amount in your mail campaign.

Show me…

Enjoy living on the edge? Want to give this here fancy postcard a try for yourself? Feel free.

Here's a headshot screenshot—bam!

Take me…

You could remake this postcard a number of ways, but the easiest would be to just use the same folks we do.  Here's a direct link to the company we use if you want to have them print & mail the exact same postcard for you.

Now say it like you mean it…

Like I said, I'd love to hear what you think.

  • Is this postcard the awesomest thing since sharp cheddar or the stinkiest thing whatever other cheese this here cat's smelling? —»
  • Maybe you've tried an approach like this? Let's hear about it.
  • Had success with another real estate investor postcard or yellow letter lately? Do tell.

Leave a comment below. And don't forget to be awesome.

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