Module 2 »

The 4-Step Foundation for Z-Code Success

Hey, welcome back [memb_contact fields=FirstName]!

I hope you devoured the kickstart video and left a comment telling us your big why. Also very much hoping that you took our challenge and time-blocked a few focused sessions on your calendar of 1-2 hours each for this training. Chances are it'll really accelerate your success with this.

Here’s what you’re about to learn in this session:

  • Ideal Outcomes: How to understand yours for the Z-Code leads you're about to start seeing.
  • Your Endgame: Knowing where you're going; defining “success” before you start playing the game.
  • The Giant: Why + how you can accelerate success by “riding his shoulders”.
  • Sellereese: Creating marketing that ‘speaks' to your sellers.
  • VS: Transaction engineers vs. one-trick ponies.
  • My Fave: Joe's top buying strategy right now (and why the market is begging for it)
  • + much more…

Bottom line: This session takes you into Joe's world a level deeper, and really frames this whole strategy around some very important core values and principles that you've got to understand before you start this lead engine up…

02 » The 4-Step Foundation

When you're finished with the above, strongly recommend you take a little time to make some solid progress on the action steps in this video. Time-block another training session soon, but start taking action now.
“The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” ―Tony Robbins

Then, you can feel free move on to: The Z-Code Module 3: Target Market DNA

To your success,

↯ Navigating The Z-Code

The Z-Code

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