Amp » Additional Sources of Buyers

buyers-are-servedIn your 3rd core training session, Buyers on Demand, we taught you exactly how to build your cash buyers list via “DBP” (or Database Plucking, as you now know it).

Hope you took some good notes on that one. It's an exceptional way to fill your quiver with arrows all by itself, and also super congruent with the Investor Profits on Demand approach to real estate investing.

We also mentioned that, while there's a whole heap of other viable ways you could effectively build your cash buyers list, our goal here is to keep you pretty tightly focused at first on learning a few really powerful angles that work really well, and fit awesomely within this approach.

In other words, we're not trying to go a mile wide and teach you every possible thing about every way you can skin a real estate cat. This will only overwhelm or confuse you. Instead we're going an inch wide and a mile deep for the most part.

That said, we would like to go ahead and share a few other solid, proven ways you can amp up your buyers list, in addition to what was already covered in core training 3. Not to distract or confuse you — but to build upon it later.

So what follows here for you is intentionally super simple… In fact, it'll probably be the simplest and quickest video you'll devour in this whole feast we've been serving up for you. We'll cover two more easy, effective, low cost ways you can add even more buyers to your buyers list. Easy peasy.

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